I love and hate this city. Buffalo / By: Siclari - Random

I am not moving and will be here forever, but man does this city piss me off.

   I love and hate this city. Buffalo. Yes, Brandon the die hard Sabres and Bills fan. Brandon the guy who lives downtown and makes a point to travel to as many new bars and breweries in the city and surrounding areas.
            I have been living in downtown Buffalo since 2012. I figured that was the best place to be. I was 25 years old and wanted to be in the middle of everything. I moved to North Street, 1 block away from Allen. It was fun. Walking distance to a lot of bars. I had a rooftop patio overlooking the city. From there I moved 1 block right onto Allen, across the street from Brick Bar. Its an amazing thing when you can use your own bathroom while you go out on a Friday and Saturday night. By this point I was 29 and wanted to get away from the thick of things so I decided to move to Larkinville. I have been there ever sense. It sounds like I am praising the city, I actually am doing the complete opposite. While living in downtown Buffalo and living in other cities I noticed how much this city lacks. Lets first start with the Bar scene.
            EVERY BAR IS THE SAME!. Before you start naming off a group of Bars that are "different", I understand we have a few, Founding Fathers, Matinee, Mes Que, . . . . . .I'm sure we have more but the fact I cant instantly name a bunch is upsetting. Sorry, ill add 716 onto this. I love the place but the fact that domestic beers cost $5 bothers me. I don't know about you, but if I am buying a domestic beer it should be $3.50 - $4 at most. I want more themed bars, bars that yes, serve alcohol like everyone else but offers a different element. I just traveled to Florida and was amazed by the atmosphere and different bars they had. There was a bar where when you walk in they had a wall of taps, maybe 20+. You get a wrist band and that allows you to pour your own beer, you pay by how much you drink (we broke it down after and it was not a lot, I believe it came out to $4.50/a beer). That $4.50/per was for IPA's and craft beers, not Bud Light. There was a place that provided the same thing but for wine. I liked the idea of everything being in 1 place but you have different varieties. Laid back, club, dancing, sports, live music. Everything in Buffalo is so spread out and I believe that is why it seems so empty. While in other cities everything is in one area, In Buffalo you have to Uber to Allen, Hertel, Elmwood, Downtown.Even in those areas places are spread out.
Speaking of traveling, the Metro system (the train) is horrible. Is it so hard for us to get a train that turns, I don't know, maybe once? No one takes buses anymore, especially when Uber and Lyft are so big. Seeing how spread out the city is why don't we get a train that connects all of these areas?  Yes, I know I can get onto the train at the Arena and take it up to Main, get off, then walk 2 miles to the closet bar on Hertel. Who wants to do that in the 8 months of winter we have. That leads me to the last point, (I have more but ill make this the last one).
              Finally, and I believe the main reason I am so bitter about this city, is the weather. The weather here sucks. Its horrible. "I love the 4 seasons". Well last year it went from Winter to Summer, then Summer to winter. Let me remind you that Summer lasted about 3.5 months and winter was 8. Driving is horrible, brushing of your car is horrible, your face hurting because of the cold and wind is horrible. The best line I hear when we finally get a nice day, "This weather is so nice". Guess what!?! there're places in this country where the weather is nice all year around!
               In saying all this, I am not moving. I will raise a family here, and I love it here. I moved to DC and LA, I moved back. I love this place so in return I want Buffalo to be better. I will end by saying, these are my opinions, and I will say it again. I love this city, that does not mean I cant be critical and want more.

The sports teams are horrible and that doesn't help


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