#BrandonLikesWings #5 - Elmos / Getzville, NY

If you ever find yourself in Getzville, NY my guess would be it's because you're at Elmo's. A bar nestled in the middle of a plaza on Millersport Highway about a half a mile away from University at Buffalo. Like most of the places Marty and I have gone to, you would have no idea to stop here unless you were looking for it.
When you walk in you will realize it's a mix between a college and small town bar. Very dark. With the amount of wings Elmos sells I would suggest they invest in some lights or brighter lights bulbs. Marty and I were lucky to get a place at the bar. We arrived around 6:30 and by 7 the whole bar was full with most of the tables taken up by college students.
    Marty ordered the standard Medium wings while I went with the -Double dipped wings. Hot & Cajun-. The bartender came over and put a wooden pallet looking thing on the bar in front of us, which we realized is what the wings would be placed on. The presentation of the wings was what you expect from every wing joint around. Plastic wicker-like basket with blu cheese in the middle and wings on each side. I was not a fan of one of the wings already as it was thrown on top of the blu cheese. I despise that disgusting white, moldy monstrosity.
       Once you try the wings you completely forget how they put them in front of you. Ill speak to the Double Dipped wings first. Amazing. Flavor, Sauce, crunch. It was all there. From the first bite to the last. Each wing had everything I want in a wing. The mix of Hot and Cajun combined was not as overwhelming as I expected. The flats had a perfect combo of saucy and crispiness. Marty had nothing but good things to say about the medium wings. Marty went as far to tell me "These wing are right up there with Nine-Eleven"
I loved the 20 wings and a pitcher of beer special that Elmos offered along with the polite and informative bar tenders that were working. The gentleman even went as far as to fill my pint glass with our pitcher when my beer got low. If you're looking for a place to catch a game, this is a nice spot also. Good amount of TV's along with great placement. There is not a spot in the bar where you cant see a TV.  I would like a bigger and better beer selection, but the beer they have is cold, and really, is that not all you want?

RECAP: I'm guessing you didn't wake up this morning expecting someone to tell you to go to Getzville, NY. Well, that's exactly what I am doing. Take a drive and check out Elmos. After 5 stops I can tell you Elmos will be up in the top 3 for awhile.

1. Taste - 9
2. Crispiness - 9
3. Sauce -  7
4. Presentation - 6

OVERALL:  7.75

1. TouchTunes: Yes
2. Dart Board :  Yes
3. Pool Table : No
4. TV’s -  8 // Great sight lines
5. Good Atmosphere: 7 - Dark but good
6. Beer Selection : 4 -  Below par beer selection. 


After 5 Stops:

5.   Glen Park Tavern - 3.5
4.  Adolfs Old First Ward Tavern - 7
3.  Dalmatia Hotel - 7.4
2.  Elmos - 7.8
1.  Nine-Eleven Tavern - 9


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