Dress Bet 2.0 - Return of the Dress / By: Siclari

Dress bet 2.0 –

         Lets go back 2 years ago. Jeffrey Scott Krol and I were drinking at New York Beer Project and were debating how many games the bills would win. After 1 to 6 beers Jeff and I set the over under at 5.5. Jeff took the under, I took the over. As we all know that year the Buffalo Bills made the playoffs with a 9-7 record. Jeff had to wear a dress that our significant others picked out. Jeff, a man of his word, wore the dress during one of our Game On! Football games that spring.

         Fast forward to this summer. Once again Jeff and I after some horseshoes and beers were talking about the Bills. I have mentioned multiple times that throwing 300yards a game in the NFL should be easy. Jeff and I with some help from his fiancé Christine came up with Dress bet 2.0. The bet. . . . . .Josh Allen 300yard passing games this season, the O/U was set at 3.5. If Josh Allen throws for 300yards in 4 games, I win. Josh Allen throws less than four 300yard games, Jeff wins. We set some rules and the bet was set.

         I will say I am a bit nervous for this one. 300 yard passing games are very common in the NFL but not common for a bills team. The Buffalo Bills have not had a 300yard passing game in regulation since Ryan Fitzpatrick (Tyrod did it once but it came in overtime). With the schedule the way it is I see an easy start with a hard finish. Quick rundown of what I think/hope will happen.

Jets – tossup he gets it
Giants – should get it
Bengals – should get it
Patriots – No
Titans – Toss up
Bye week

      Before the bye I think he can have 2 games with 300yards. Lets hope the bills bail me out like they did 2 years ago. Jeff wore that dress and played well, this time it will be form fitting.  I have a beautiful picture of Jeff in the dress he gave me as a wedding gift. I think it needs company. . . . . 

GO Bills!

**My prediction this year is 9-7*


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