My 1st Week - Fatherhood / By: Siclari

Yes. That below picture is me. Right after the Bills playoff game. You're probably thinking there is no way that guy could be a father. Fast forward 2 days. . . . .
Early Tuesday Morning at 12:30 am after an exhilarating premier of The Bachelor (Go Madison!) Elizabeth tells me its time to go to the hospital. Baby Rocco decided to come into the world on his own terms.
It has been a week now and I have learned a lot. Not about what I am supposed to do (I'm just winging it right now) but I learned some odd ball things that I really didn't notice until now.

First off. It amazes me that dog parents have to go through a background check and a house visit before they can have the dog. All I needed was a car seat. They cut off his wristband and we were on our way. You don't even need a car or reliable transportation. Some lady was let go before us because she needed a ride and it was coming at a certain time. You could live under a bridge for all they know. All you need is a car seat.
This was my first time in a labor and delivery room. I expected your usual hospital room, nope. These rooms were really nice and really big. Elizabeth was hooked up to some monitors and laying on the bed. I had a couch and a table.
Being a newbie I thought when the time came to "push" they would wheel Elizabeth into another room, nope. She stayed right where she was. With all of our stuff laying around and me chilling there in a t-shirt and jeans they started. In the movies the fathers have some sort of hospital gown on with a cap. Not me, I was standing next to the bed looking like I was waiting to get into a bar on a Saturday night but instead of a beer I was waiting on I was ordering a baby.
I asked this next question to some of my guy friends, now I will ask you...How do they check how far along a women is dilated? Well I thought some sort of tool was used over the belly to show a certain number. Let me tell you, that is not the case. Good God.

I am 7 days in. Ill give you the top 5 things I have learned.

-Your baby is always the cutest
-Everyone will ask you "who do you think he looks like" (I have no idea, ill let you know when I know)
-You will master doing everyday "choirs" with 1 hand.
-Everyone knows the answer to everything
-What is Sleep?

Its only been a week and I have a lot more to learn.

CHEERS to the next 18 years. . . . . . .


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