Fatherhood Chronicles: Part 3 -Leaving the House-

As I spend more time with Rocco I am realizing how easy tasks become harder than usual. 
Leaving the house, BR (Before Rocco) all I needed was keys and wallet. Leave whenever I wanted and put off getting up and getting ready. AR (After Rocco) I have make sure I give my self enough time not just for me but to get him ready and make sure I am not forgetting anything. The clock starts about an hour before I have to leave. 
Rule #1 is real easy. -Don’t forget the baby-. I have that mastered.  It’s everything else I need. I seem to always forget something. There is so much you need just to go to the grocery store. 
-An extra pair of clothes for when he spits up/throw up. Or the always fun “blow outs”
-A shirt for me incase any of the above gets on me.
-burp rag
-back up pacifier
-back up to the back up pacifier 
(If you lose the burp rag just look on your shoulder) 
That is just for a quick stop. If we’re going for a long period of time like to Grandma's house, that’s a completely different story. 
-A place for Rocco to sleep
-Much much more
When Elizabeth is here it’s a process to grab everything at once because I am a man and we have to take everything in one trip. No way are we taking multiple trips. Sadly. When I am by myself I keep that same mindset. I would rather break my arms than take 2 trips. Somehow that makes sense when I am loading up all arms with a car seat in one hand to make the trip downstairs to leave. Something always happens to me. When the door shuts behind me and I go to lock the door my house keys are always in the hand that has the most stuff in it and the keys are in an unreachable position. Never fails. 
As I stated above. As long as I don’t forget Rocco it’s a win. 
Today was a good day. I think I finally made it on the scoreboard. 
The 3 day tally sits:
Rocco - 2
Brandon - 1 

*No baby was taken to the grocery store during these times. I was just making a general statement*


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