Fatherhood Chronicles: Part 4 -Bath Time-

Today was BATH DAY! (that’s how excited I have to get when I am talking to Rocco regarding Bath Time).
Usually Bath Time is around 7. Then he enjoys a delicious bottle. Then it’s bedtime. Today Rocco had other plans for me. At around d 3p Rocco starts crying as he awoke from his slumber. I picked him up and started to change him. Rocco is laying on the changing table, he looks up at me, gives me that Infamous smirk, and starts to pee. Everywhere. All over himself, the wall, the changing table, and me. This incident probably lasted about 5-6 seconds but as it was happening it felt like forever. You know In Action movies when a sidekick dives in front of a bullet or an object that is heading right towards their friend? That is what it felt like for me when I was trying to protect Roccos face from his incoming pee. 
After that fun filled diaper change I decide Bath Time would be now. 
In our loft we do not have a bathtub. We use a baby tub that sits in the sink. It’s actually pretty convenient.     Rocco loves Bath Time. It calms him down. As he gets older though his attention span is dwindling and he needs to be entertained. Toys are not an option at this point. We practice grip strength, reaching for things, but besides that it’s pretty limited. We sing and play with the bubbles. Rocco stairs at me like I am certified insane. The tough part is getting his back and bum while trying to keep myself dry. That does not happen. 
Today was a calm and relaxing day compared to others. I am sorry I didn’t have a melt down to tell you about, yet. “May the odds be ever in -my- favor”
With today that brings the score even after 4.

Rocco - 2
Brandon - 2


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